LAZNIA 2 2014 - “Inner colour” Youngdon Jung
Curator: Aleksandra Księżopolska
Lila Schally-Kacprzak
Kuba Bielawski
Piotr Rudnicki
Special thanks to Perła Bałtyku restaurant
"Inner colour" is an interdisciplinary project consisting of installation, artistic and documentary interventions, open studio and a publication. It was created in collaboration with the 105 participants, whose names play an integral part in the installation. Gdańsk based legend "Dominic’s Fiancee" relating to the symbolism of colours as a reflection of human soul became the inspiration.  
The legend tells a love story that is stronger than any adversity. When Daglesia, the main character who  is turned into a tree, breaks under the pressure of the wind, it reveals its inner color "The ground shuddered when Daglesia’s soul broke. Her trunk, now torn into shreds, revealed its secret – the secret of the inside colour. The colour of gold and copper.” 
The hidden colour of our inner self became the starting point for the Korean artist. He had invited local community members to paint triangular elements of the installation with individually created colour. All 105 parts were used to build a harmonious, oval shape dome. Artist focused on differences that are the characteristic of each of us, placed them in a 'gold bracket', creating an aesthetic vision of the ensemble. The closed dome hides colours in its interiors that are a reflection of our personality and inner self. These colours just like photography can only exist in relation to its basic element, the light.
The next stage of the project gained a documentary nature by shooting a series of portraits of the participants in their homes. The artist did not interfere in the photographed space with an exception of placing an individually painted triangle in the background.  Once developed these portraits were passed on to the participants, while a number of them will be used in the publication.
In the frames of "Inner colour"  Youngdon Young consequently refers to his previous works with such themes as individualism versus collective. In the very centre of his interest lies an individual and as Roland Barthes writes he does neglect the peripheral and individual events. Fragment becomes his main motive, as it is the assemblage of all previous experiences. Like Susan Sontag, who draws attention to the form of a fragment, which "indicates the gaps, spaces and the silence between the phenomena." 
The "Inner color" project took place in the frames of Youngdon Jung artist in residency stay being part of CCA Laznia Artist in Residency Program.
Project was supported by Arts Council Korea.
Municipal Institution of Culture