2015 - Semmelweis Art Award
Austriackie Forum Kultury w Warszawie przekazuje poniżej zaproszenie Węgierskiego Instytutu Kultury w Wiedniu i Balassi Institute – Collegium Hungaricum w Wiedniu do udziału w konkursie Semmelweis Art Award.
Zaproszenie skierowane jest do międzynarodowych grup artystek i artystów do 35 roku życia, tworzących wspólne projekty z różnych dziedzin sztuki.
Termin zgłaszania projektów bezpośrednio w Wiedniu upływa 28 czerwca 2015 roku.
Najlepszy projekt będzie mógł zostać zrealizowany w Collegium Hungaricum w Wiedniu.
Trzy najlepsze projekty otrzymają nagrody w wysokości do 2.000 do 5.000 Euro.
Poniżej znajdziecie Państwo wszystkie niezbędne do aplikowania informacje oraz linki do strony organizatorów.
Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z nimi, do umieszczenia ich na Państwa stronie internetowej, profilu FB oraz do przekazania potencjalnie zainteresowanym artystkom i artystom.

Application for an art prize and the realization of an exhibition concept for the 150th anniversary of the death of the world-famous Hungarian physician,

Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis (1818-1865).

Drafts from young international contemporary artist groups are welcome.


The Hungarian cultural institute in Vienna, Balassi Institute – Collegium Hungaricum Vienna, has worked out an innovative international project that shows that scientific and artistic efforts are connected through creativity, innovation and courage. Another aim of the project is to support the dialogue and the activities of young contemporary artists in Europe and to remember the “savior of mothers”, Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis.

In the spring of 2015, Collegium Hungaricum Vienna is announcing an international call for proposals that will be evaluated with the help of a multinational expert jury. The Balassi Institute network and other partner institutions like the Austrian Cultural Forum and 40 different European universities will assist in the announcement of the call for proposals all over Europe. 

Groups of artists with members of different European nations (at least 3 and no more than 5 members, all below the age of 35) have the opportunity to apply with a new creative proposal for an exhibition at the gallery of Collegium Hungaricum Vienna. The groups are asked to send a draft of their innovative concept, which could physically be exhibited and which could be executed in about 3 weeks by the group and which fits well into the gallery. The artist groups are free to propose an exhibition, an installation or a mix of art forms. But of course we are thinking of visual artworks such as paintings, sculptures, design, videos, photos, animations, graphic arts etc. and any combination of these. Parts of the concept can also represent other artistic fields (for example literature, music). The organizers acceptonly digital material for the application. Groups of artists, who want to apply, are asked to send a one-page-long concept, a visual draft (digital animation, plan, montage) and a calculation of material expenses in Euros (maximum amount 2000-2.500 EUR). In addition, every artist of each group is asked to send information of himself/herself (short CV, contact, studies, artworks of the past, exhibitions, scholarships, achievements etc. in no more than two A4-pages). Please also give a title for the artwork/concept and send the materials in one PDF file. Every artist group is allowed to send one draft. Besides, we can accept all application material only in English.

There is no further restriction concerning the content, the rest is up to the creativity of the applicants!

Additionally, we clearly favour international artist groups, the members of which represent at least 3 different countries (for example a co-operation between a designer from country A, a photographer from country B and a painter from country C).

Moreover, an international jury will choose 3 drafts from the incoming concepts that will be awarded the first, second and third prizes. All participants have to accept the findings of the jury. Any recourse to legal action is excluded. The winning team will have the opportunity to put their concept into effect in the UngArt Gallery of Collegium Hungaricum Vienna. The team will have 3 weeks to put their concept into action. During their stay, they will get accommodation in the guest rooms of the Collegium Hungaricum Vienna. The opening ceremony of the exhibition will take place in the middle of October 2015.

Thanks to our private sponsors the three best concepts can be awarded, however only the winning team will be able to realise its concept. 
1st prize: 5000 EUR + costs for travel to Vienna to realise the project + a limited amount for material expenses
2nd prize: 3000 EUR + extra payment for travel to the award ceremony /up to 300 EUR/
3rd prize: 2000 EUR + extra payment for travel to the award ceremony /up to 300 EUR/

On the 37th General Conference of UNESCO in 2013, on the proposal of the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO, the 150th anniversary of Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis’ death was accepted to be celebrated in association with UNESCO in the year 2015.


− 28th of June: deadline for sending drafts (via email or www.wetransfer.com)
− Middle of July 2015: announcement of the jury’s decision, contacting the winners and other participants
− From mid September 2015: winners can put their concept into action in the gallery
− Middle of October 2015: award ceremony and opening ceremony in Collegium Hungaricum Vienna

Every participant will be contacted after the jury’s decision. For details of the Gallery UngArt (blue prints, photos of the interior) see below. Please note that the realised concept needs to match our gallery without making extensive structural alterations to it. Additionally, you can find a short CV of Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis under the given link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignaz_Semmelweis


− please send a short concept, budget plan with calculation of material expenses (max. 2.000-2.500 EUR) and short CVs of the group members with references in English in one PDF file
− participating groups must be able to spend the necessary time before the exhibition opening in Vienna to realise the project in the gallery (max. 3 weeks)
− participants (at least 3 and no more than 5 members) need to be under the age of 35
− invariable deadline for sending in drafts is: 28th of June 2015 VIA EMAIL:
semmelweisaward@gmail.com Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! (up to 10 MB) or via www.wetransfer.com (above 10 MB)

Project organization: Balassi Institute – Collegium Hungaricum Vienna

Partners of the project: the network of Balassi Institute, Kultur Kontakt Austria, European Cultural Parliament (ECP), Slovakian Institute in Vienna, Qualysoft, OTP Bank, Hungarian Embassy of Vienna, EUNIC Austria and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs.

The project is organized under the auspices of the Austrian Commission for UNESCO and the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO.

Instytucja kultury Miasta Gdańska