Bremer Kunststipendium Art Grant of the City of Bremen
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in the Art Grant of the City of Bremen. Enclosed please find the relevant information regarding this grant as well as the application forms.
Every year’s selection procedure by a jury decides on the allocation of grants for the next year. You may apply for a grant lasting three or five months. In special circumstances the residency can be shorter or longer but has to be agreed upon before.
The closing date for this year’s application for 2018 is the 31st of July 2017.
The jury will very probably meet in August. You will be informed of the jury’s decision in writing. The date on which the grant period starts depends on the studio allocation and will be agreed specifically in each individual case.
Yours sincerely,
Christian Weber
President of the State Parliament
Alexander Künzel
Managing Director Bremer Heimstiftung
Information and conditions
Instytucja kultury Miasta Gdańska