ŁAŹNIA 1 Art Line – project prolonged until 2014!
Art Line continues until March 31 next year. The Steering Committee of the Programme South Baltic Cross Border Co-operation has approved an extension.
The decision was based on conclusions from the project assessment, such as:
“The project enhances the dissemination of the already achieved results, and improves their durability. It is valuable contribution to the South
Baltic area in the context of enriching the cross-border cultural arena.
The proposed activities, in majority, are innovative, have logic of intervention, and positively impact the situation of the target group.
The Art Line project is valuable for the Programme area and symbolizes good practice example in terms of management, partnership and progress
of implementation. The project is represented by the small institutions with a large dedication to the development of the culture/art field in the Programme regions. Within the project lifetime high ambition level and commitment are observed by the JTS, resulted in the appointment to the Flagship project for the EUSBSR. Following the assessment criteria the proposed extension should be considered as deserved prolongation, chance to reinforce impact of activities and networks development for durability in the future.”

Lead partner: Blekinge museum. Partners: Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art, Kunsthalle Rostock, Art Centre Gallery EL, Gdańsk CityGallery,
Baltic Sea Cultural Centre, Kulturcentrum Ronneby, Karlskrona Konsthall, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Kalmar konstmuseum,Baltic Branch NCCA
& NGO ArtMission Kaliningrad, Vilnius Art Academy, Nida Art Colony, Stena Line Scandinavia, Region Blekinge.