ul. Jaskółcza 1, GDAŃSK - DOLNE MIASTO
Tomás Tello was born in Lima, Perú (1981). His work is inspired by Peruvian traditional music and enviroment sounds. He is also interested in the possibilities a musician has to multiply himself. In order to achieve this multiplicity he uses a varied setting of instruments that include D.I.Y. electronics, casette walkmans, AM radios, remote controls, cameras, guitars, samplers, voice, flutes, bells, etc. It is his intention to express concern for contemplation, patience and to establish a close, warm and joyful relation with the sounds that are arround us.

Robert Lippok‘s new record „redsuperstructure“ is based on the spectacular set he performed at raster-noton electric campfire at villa massimo in September 2010. The events and structures of Lippok‘s vaudeville follow scripts which he notated himself with water color and pencil. Other tracks were even visualized as clay sculptures. His sensitive sound syntheses are complemented by only a few samples and field recordings. on the last track, „daylightastronomy“, the accomponying harp is played by Italian harpist and composer Beatrice Martini. / http://www.myspace.com/robertlippok