Curator: Gabriela Jarzębowska
Project presented within the framework of INCUBATOR programme.

Today, the work of art is but a more or less perfect description of the one which has not been constructed. What is essential in art is contained in mental space. The rest is just a record.
Seth Siegelaub

Untold stories belong to the conceptual idea of non-exhibition, where artistic facts are subject to dematerialization. It is a sound archive of art projects being discussed by artists themselves (or, as in case of late artists – by their friends or co-workers). These are all brave, visionary, and utopian ideas. They radically blur the line between life and art, but their range or conceptual character makes them basically un-realizable. Town planning visions of Jarosław Kozakiewicz, the idea of creating perfect artistic phalansteries of Grzegorz Sztwiertnia – these are only a couple of examples which prove that utopian thinking is continuously present in artistic activity, even if a deceitful or polemic undertone shifts the projects towards dystopia.
Municipal Institution of Culture