Curator: Agnieszka Kulazińska

Young Polish artists on tour is a cycle presenting the works of young Polish artists in European capital cities, which in 2011 was held in Berlin and Madrid. The aim of the project is to promote young artists on the one hand, and on the other to ask the question of how art can affect the image of our country. The reasons for its presence here are obvious: the aim of the exhibitions is to promote the Polish artistic scene during the Polish Presidency of the EU Council. The young artists were chosen for several reasons. Their art, which is neither connected with the struggle for liberty (as most of the Polish art from the 1980s), nor with defining the boundaries of freedom (the 90s), brings a new view and is a formal experiment. The works often allude to Polish and world art from the 70s, 80s, and 90s  in this way they are a kind of modern rendering of historical motifs. The artists underline Polish virtues and mock national vices in a way which is both familiar and comprehensible. Their distance from the landmark date of 1989 releases them from the burden of historical heritage.
Each presentation of the Young Polish Artists On Tour project will vary from the others. Curators from each city are asked to choose 5 artists from the list, which makes every exhibition a unique event disclosing a different aspect of young Polish art.

From the beginning of May you will be able to follow the developments of the project on the blog at

The project is subsidized as part of the programme of the Polish Minister of Culture, Polish Presidency 2011.
Municipal Institution of Culture