LAZNIA 2 2013 - From dusk till dawn
Attention! Due to illness of drummer, concert of Świetliki band within "From dawn to dusk. Midsummer Night in New Port" festiwal is canceled. At 22:00 will perform Ballady i Romanse band. The rest of the program remains unchanged.
Midsummer Night. The shortest night of the year. Night, in which the expression "from dusk till dawn"  gets an unusual meaning like never else.  Let intoxicate with music, poetry, singing and dancing, let seek together  for fern flower and wait until the New Day arrives at 4:09.
20:00 - 21:30 Poetry Slam. Moderated by Wojtek Boros
22:00 - 23:00 Concert Ballady i romanse
23:30 - 4:30 Movie screenings:
- "The Kid" dir. Charlie Chaplinwith live music by Songs Laboratory
- "Pan's Labyrinth" dir. Guillermo del Toro
- "Before Sunrise" dir. Richard Linklater
Additional  attractions.
21:23 - 4:09 Live stream sunset from Klaipeda and Kaliningrad.
20:30 - 4:09 Fireplace.
20:30 - 23:30 Workshops of wreaths braiding.
Till 4:09 Slow food buffet: Pearl of the Baltic Sea Bar
Municipal Institution of Culture