“Cities on the edge” aims at initiating debate and exchange of experience. Its concept is in line with the broader dialogue between local and global ideas. We are living now in a shrinking world, an IT global village with a very strong unification trend. Contemporary city spaces are alike. We have the very same multinationals, billboards and commercial advertisements. What is different and what is common among the six cities? Each of them has different experience and can tell a different story of its tradition and culture.
Cities on the edge are cities on the outskirts, outside centres, with port history, oriented more outside than within their own countries. The ambition of the “Cities on the edge” project is to reverse their roles. The outside locations are to become locations in the centre, are to be windows enabling better insight into a culture or nation.
The main objective of the “Cities on the edge” project is to exchange experience in the field of culture (music, art, aesthetics, theory). The project is an opportunity for better understanding and identification of globality/similarities and locality/differences.
Under the “Cities on the edge” project the following measures are planned:
“For the like of us”
ŁAŹNIA the Contemporary Culture Centre in Gdansk
Garston Cultural Village (Liverpool)
The project is about constructing schedules for residencies, artist exchange, curators. ŁAŹNIA the Contemporary Culture Centre is co-operating under the project with Garston Cultural Village (Liverpool) http://www.culturalvillage.co.uk/. Many Gdansk cultural organisations have been invited to participate in the project – WYSPA Art Institute, PGR_ART, City Culture.
“Culture for Revitalisation. Revitalisation for Culture”
13-14 November 2008 (Gdansk)
ŁAŹNIA the Contemporary Culture Centre in Gdansk
Supported by expertise of: Jakub Szczepański, Lucyna Nyka from Gdansk Technical University
“Culture for Revitalisation. Revitalisation for Culture” is an international conference which is an attempt to describe relations between culture and revitalisation. It is also a great opportunity to exchange experience between both positions and activities: how to use culture for revitalisation measures and also how revitalisation can make contemporary culture.
“International Port Cities conference: Culture, Heritage, and Regeneration”
20-21 November 2008 (Liverpool)
English Heritage (National Heritage Conservation Agency)
The Conference will be on port cities – their history, culture, contemporary problems with revitalisation of post-industrial spaces and opportunities for tourism development.
“Streetwaves” – music project
At: the Baltic Culture Centre
More on the website: http://www.liverpool08.com/Streetwaves/index.asp
“Contacting the world” – a theatre project
At: Gdansk Archipelago of Culture (Other Side of the Mirror Theatre)
More on the website:
Co-ordinator: Agnieszka Kulazińska
“Contacting the world” – a theatre project
By: Gdański Archipelag Kultury – Gdansk Culture Archipelago (Teatr Lustra Strona Druga – The Other Side of the Mirror Theatre)
The theatre called Teatr Lustra Strona Druga from Gdański Archipelag Kultury was one of the 12 theatres from all over the world that participated in the CONTACTING THE WORLD Project Liverpool 2008.
The concept of the project was to bring together young people of different cultures in joint creative endeavours so that they would develop theatre spectacles, workshops, and performances to present them during the period 26 July – 2 August in Liverpool, European Capital of Culture 2008.
The Teatr Lustra Strona Druga Theatre staged ARCHEDREAM, which was shown for the first time in Gdańsk, 15 July 2008.
The Barefeet Theatre from Lusaka, Zambia, which closely co-operates with our theatre, staged TUJUKA MAST DIE, which was shown for the first time in Lusaka.
In Liverpool both spectacles were presented to the audience on 30 July in the LIPA THEATRE on the joint Zambian-Polish Day. Both spectacles were very well received by the Liverpool audience.
On 28 July in the UNITY THEATRE the first show of IGRAJĄC Z BURZĄ (Playing with Storm) took place. The show was staged by the Teatr Lustra Strona Druga theatre – and it was later shown during summer in the Torture House Court by the Amber Museum in Gdańsk.
Under the CTW Project Alicja Mojko and the actors held four theatre workshops.
Participation in the CTW Project triggered off further co-operation with the Zambian partner. Its continuation was participation in the Shakespeare Festival in Gdańsk and joint theatre spectacles, workshops and performances presented under the Shakespeare Festival and Zambian Day in the Gdańsk Archipelag Kultury.
The photographs from the events are available at