Visosevic Tanja
She is an interdisciplinary artist, screen critic/theorist and educator. Her art projects employ the technologies and strategies of the moving image, performance and bio-art to explore the cultural and philosophical terrains that consume her. Much of her obsessions deal with the Life and Death Instincts, Identity Politics and the pioneering possibilities, as well as side effects, spawned from New Technologies.
The formation of a revolutionary audiovisual culture via digital technologies is embodied by much of Visosevic’s creative undertakings, present in her interactive mobile phone performances (such as Oh Bon! Commissioned by Fremantle Arts Centre in 2008 for the Bon Scott Project), through to Bio-Kino’s The Living Screen project (researched and developed at SymbioticA – The Centre of Excellence in Biological Arts). These works possess an evolved poetics that situates her art practice within a swelling circuit of new genres and moving-image experiences.
Visosevic is a lecturer for the School of Communications and Arts at Edith Cowan University, where she combines her research in new media platforms with educating students in understanding the nature and experience of the moving image.