Mavromatti Oleg
He is an interdisciplinary artist and filmmaker (1965, Russia), a prominent representative of the Moscow Actionism, a phenomenon of the radical performance art scene in 1990s Moscow. He has been a member of legendary Moscow performance art groups such as “Expropriation of the Territory of Art” and NECEZIUDIK. In 1995 Mavromatti establishes the independent film union SUPERNOVA, manifested as a fortress of Moscow radical cinema. Mavromatti has been legally prosecuted for his critical performance art and film work (such as the famous performance “Ne ver’ glazam” (“Do Not believe Your Eyes”), 2000, for what his art and film archive has been confiscated in 2000. Therefore many of his early works are completely lost or accessible only from VHS copies. Mavromatti left the country in 2000 and since then he lives in Bulgaria and New York.
In Bulgaria, Rossa and Mavromatti established art collective ULTRAFUTURO – an international group of artists engaged with issues of technology, science and their social implications. They have been included in the Biennial for Electronic Art, Perth (BEAP) and shown at Foundation for Art and Creative Technologies (FACT), Liverpool; Society for Art and Technology (SAT), Montreal etc.