The workshops are organized in scope of the Man|Machine project. It is the second project, beside Soundplay, realized in scope of the Art+Science Meeting programme. Man|Machine is a workshop series focused on the use of robotic technology and engineering in artistic activities.
Curator: Łukasz Szałankiewicz

Coordination: Krzysztof Miękus, Karolina Wirkus
Parabolic Robot Workshop*
26.11.2013 4pm – 8pm
27.11.2013 4pm – 8pm
Moderator: Adam Donovan
This workshop centers on how it is possible to physically manipulate sound to be more directive or focused. Donovan will introduce the theory of various forms of sound focusing technologies including parametric speakers and parabolic speakers.
Participants will create a sound focusing robot with two or more axis using a parabolic speaker. Adam Donovan will go over basic servo control using Arduino and also introduce some code that lets smooth servo movement which is a general limitation of hobby servos.
Adam Donovan - is an Australian artist working in the area of science, art and technology. His work involves robotics, real time 3D environments, camera tracking and sound focusing technology. Donovan's work has evolved from a fascination with the natural phenomena of light and sound. In pursuing an intense understanding of the physical characteristics of sound and how it moves through space, he has developed an ability to modulate and combine its patterns for us to hear. Essentially, Donovan uses lenses to manipulate, focus and sculpt sound. This fascination with first began using optical lenses to focus light. Understanding more about light as a physical phenomenon turned his interests to sound, and how our auditory senses interpret our world.
fotAdam Donovan
„Creating an interactive robot using the Arduino Microcontroller”*
29.11.2013 4pm – 8pm
30.11.2013 12pm – 6pm
01.12.2013 12pm – 6pm
Moderator: Christoph Veigl
Programmable electronic devices are omnipresent in our daily life. They not only enable various functions in dish-washers, smart-phones or remote controls, but can also be useful for the creation of alternative user interfaces or your own interactive artistic contraptions. Easily usable development platforms for microcontrollers like the Arduino give non-experts possibilities to work with sensors, actuators and to create programmable devices. These platforms contribute to the increasing popularity of hackerspaces and Do-It-Yourself hardware communities.
In this workshop, participants will learn how to use an Arduino microcontroller. They will take their first steps in programming languages and create simple interactive circuits and devices.
Christoph Veigl – Austrian computer scientist and multimedia artist. He studied Sociology at the Vienna University and Medical Informatics at the Technical University Vienna. In his master thesis he developed the open source biosignal analysis software “BrainBay” which can be used for Biofeedback and alternative Human-Computer Interaction for people with disabilities.
His artistic career started in 1992, when he co-founded the Syntharturalistic Art Association SHIFZ together with Magnus Wurzer. He created various biosignal-based interactive installations and machine art pieces. He travelled around Europe and the United States with contraptions like the “BrainWashing Machine” or “Alan the Telepresence Robot” and explored biofeedback and robotics for artistic purposes. In 1999, SHIFZ organized the first Roboexotica–Festival for Cocktail Robots, with its Annual Cocktail Robot Awards, which is said to be the leading festival for electronic cocktail culture since that time. Christoph Veigl currently works and teaches at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, Department of Embedded Systems.
fot. Chris Veigl
*The workshops will be held in English.
Municipal Institution of Culture