Sound-artist, curator, DJ.
Works in interdisciplinary fields of contemporary art, focusing on audio-visual installations and performances. One of the founders of the Membrana/Membranoids sound-art group since 1997.
Uses a variety of technologies and methods of interaction for the creation of sound structures. ( broken hi-fi equipments, vintage analog synths, soft programs, fields racordings, unidentified sound devices). Since 2000 is a permanent member of the Kaliningrad semi?onductors community, and also periodically appears in the following musical projects - Kratong, Pocket band, Polyvox orqestra, Mud-o-tronic. Since 2004 – curator of BB NCCA curator realized a number of series of international projects (SoundArtLab, Acoustic Diagnostic, Kaliningrad SoundArtCamp e.t.c.) focusing on sound art and experimental music. At the present moment, for his freetronic improvisations mostly use DIY(Do It Yourself!) electro-musical devices.