
CCA Laznia gallery space

Sarah Marsh, freelance educator and artist, who cooperates, among the others, with Manchester Art Gallery and Peoples History Museum in Manchester first visited Gdansk in July 2011 to immerse in the local culture, local environments of the city and ran a week-long art workshops with children from the Lower Town district.
The second series of workshops will be held in Laznia CCA during Gilbert & George’s exhibition. The artist will realize workshops in the gallery space that would be directly referring to Gilbert & George and British contemporary art that organically evolves from the exploring and experimenting time. She would spend some time exploring the area, the gallery; collecting objects, found materials and creating pieces of art work would feed ideas and develop the workshops into new, interesting and exciting areas. The workshop will be directed to the exhibition viewers – they will be invited to take part spontaneously in the activities, to become real artist themselves. The framework of this workshop would be exciting and innovative; pushing boundaries and supporting participants to think creatively and ask questions. During her practice she observed that  simplicity of using one material pushes people into thinking differently- and that is what she wants to achieve for the Gilbert & George related workshop. For them the content not the form is important and she would like to use this idea as the basis for the workshop produced in Gdansk.


Workshops with Sarah Marsh in Gdansk, July 2011 Sarah Marsh


Sarah is interested in the ways Gilbert & George work. Their work is a study of the ‘textures of life’, based on content, such as meanings, thoughts and feelings. They look at death, hope, life, fear, religion, sex and race. The concept of life for them is tolerance. These are all big themes to tackle, but at the centre of each of these themes is the individual. Gilbert & George are the art and I want the participants of the workshops to also become the art.

During her stay in Gdansk, Sarah will also continue art workshops with local children of Lower Town that she worked with in the summer.

Workshops with Sarah Marsh in Gdansk, July 2011 Sarah Marsh

Municipal Institution of Culture