LAZNIA 1 2010 - Jacek Frąś BLANK COMICS. The exhibition is part of the Baltic Comics Festival 2010
Opening 25.06.2010, at 7 p.m
The comics exhibition entitled "Pusty Komiks" (Blank Comics) by will not be an ordinary exhibition of comic books, nor an exhibition of comics by Jacek Frąś. On that day, anyone who comes to Laznia will automatically become a participant of the exhibition, where blank comic frames were intentionally displayed. The comics and stories will be drawn during the exhibition.

The themes are random and not imposed. The only important rule is not to make any references to other drawings created on that day.  of the drawings should not relate to one another, be drawn using different styles, drawn by different participants of the exhibition. The theme of the drawings are to be totally unrelated to each other, drawn in different styles by the various participants of the exhibition on joint pages. Only after the first stage of the drawings will be complete, will the boards be removed, cut into pieces and rearranged together into completely new story. Whether or not that story will have any meaning depends purely on its participants.

The second part of the comic exhibition by Jacek Frąś entitled "Blank Comics" contains both the original charts, prints, photographs of individual frames taken by the author and comic illustrations, as well as sketches and scenarios from recent years. But the main idea behind this exhibition is to present a comic book in a completely different form and measure it with such realizations as an installation, a sculpture, a painting or print. Jacek Frąś will be aided by Marcin Grzęda, a well-known sculptor and ceramist from Gdansk. The final goal of the exhibition is to extract existing and unnoticed comic elements of everyday life and show their importance in the surrounding world.

Municipal Institution of Culture