2014 - Call for artist

The artists of the group DIOGENE publish the eighth edition of the international competition “Diogene Bivaccourbano_R 2014″, conceived according to a new formula that combines – highlighted by letter R – the tried and tested way of residence with the need to support more energy with the work of research.Open to all Italian and foreign artists, the initiative aims to activate a brand new depth in artistic work, providing economic and organizational support aimed at fostering research, giving the artist the opportunity to focus on his/her artistic work on the medium-long run.
This new way allows the artist to be released from further obligations and limits of space and time, and its aim is on the one hand to nourish the dialogue among artists and on the other hand to focus on the deep understanding of the poetics of the work.
Art.1 - Requirementsa – The call is open to all national and international artists, working in the specific field of visual arts, without restriction of gender, age and technique.b – Candidates must have a good knowledge of English and / or Italian (spoken and written).
Art.2 – Prize o RewardResearch grant of € 6,000 (net of tax) to support the artistic work in the six-month relationship with Diogene. The amount will be managed freely by the selected artist and will be donated in three parts: 50% at the beginning of the research period, 25% during the intermediate step of work and the remaining 25% at the final restitution.
Art.3 -The Turin Residence placesa – Tram Diogene: place to live and operational headquarter for the artist, located in Turin on the roundabout between C.so Verona and C.so Regio Parco.*b – Studio/lab: rented if necessary, for a period to be agreed with the artist according to the needs.*c – Exhibition space: it welcomes the restitution’s final event of the artist’s work. The association Diogene will cover the costs for set-up, space rental and management. The event is scheduled for the year 2015.* It is preferable that the artist concentrates his/her activities in Turin during the months of September and October 2014, during which Progetto Diogene can provide assistance and logistical support. In any case, free access to the tram will be offered (in agreement with Diogene) during all six months of coverage of the felowship.
Art.4 – Length of residency and duties of the artistThe artist is required to carry out his research over a period of six months, starting from July 15, 2014 and to guarantee his  presence in the city of Turin and at the Tram Diogene for a period ranging from a minimum of one to a maximum of two months (not necessarily consecutive). During his staying in Turin, the selected artist will be required to confront with members of Progetto Diogene on a regular basis.  For the entire duration of the research technical and organizational support are guaranteed by Diogene’s members.
Art.5 – Events/workshopsa – The artist will be invited to hold public meetings in the form of talk and studio-visit. During the period of residency, a series of in-depth events will be organized to give the artist the opportunity to present his/her path of research (to both Progetto Diogene in a private way, and to a wider public). The public presentation of the work carried out during the residency is planned In conjunction with the International Fair of Contemporary Art Artissima (6-9 November 2014), in the open studio form.b – The artist is required to conceive and run a formative course (a workshop of at least 3-4 meetings) at the Aurora district schools in Turin, in line with the theme of his/her artistic research and in partnership with Diogene_Lab (the formative section of Progetto Diogene ).
Art.6 – Final eventFinal presentation of the artistic research carried out during the six months residency (exhibition, performance, ecc. Spring 2015)
Art.7 – Documents requiredTo enter the competition, artists are invited to fill in the on-line application at this address: http://www.progettodiogene.eu/application_form/index.php  by enclosing the material under the terms requested.
Art.8 – DeadlineApplications must be sent by May 15, 2014
Art.9 – SelectionThe projects received will be evaluated by a jury composed of Progetto Diogene’s artists .The name of the winner will be made known at the end of June 2014, by direct communication to the selected artist and by publication of the results on the website.Progetto Diogene reserves the right to contact the participating artists for a Skype or in person interview, in case of need for clarification and deepening of the job.Adherence to the prize implies the complete and unconditional acceptance of this call.www.progettodiogene.eu
Municipal Institution of Culture