Artists: Paweł Althamer, Hubert Czerepok, Zbigniew Libera, Jan Simon, Christian Tomaszewski (USA), Joanna Malinowska, Michał Budny; Bart Stolle (Belgium), Johann Grimonprez (Belgium), Julian Rosefeld (Germany), Pascal Grandmaison (Canada), Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay (Canada), Jorge Prado (USA), Runa Islam (UK), Markus Schinwald (Austria).
Curator: Adam Budak
The exhibition examined the extent of the abuse of cultural values and collective property. As an investigation into the depth of the ethics of art production and the mechanisms of perception, it discovered the inner politics and structure of the art and culture industry. It presented the daily experience of the collective and individual behaviour and the game the artists play (or, rather, whether they play fair or unfair), as well as the sphere of artistic strategies – as the tool and driving force for the production of illusions and the system of reception. The fall and the desperate endeavour of construction, as well as the failure and success of the attempt to create something credible, the intricate action and the fabrication of discerning tricks were incorporated into the works of the artists invited to take part in the exhibition.