LAZNIA 1 2012 - 6th In Out Festival - The results of the first stage of COMPETITION

Films qualified to the final competition:

Anna i Michał Barańscy, Obok Siebie, 2012

Bálint Bene, THE ART OF RECYCLING, 2012

Dawid Biernat, SINUSOIDA, 2012

Mateusz Choróbski, 2011

Radosław Deruba, ROSORA_38, 2012

Alexei Dmitriev, Hermeneutics, 2012

Roch Forowicz, Interceptions 5 (Opticon), 2012

Justyna Górowska, Bez tytułu 1, 2012

Filip Ignatowicz+Aleksander Kamiński, Intersection, 2012

Petér Klausz, GUTENBERG & LUMIERE, 2012

Magdalena Lazar, Atoms, 2012

Maciej Lemański i Tomasz Dobiszewski, MEANWHILE, 2012

Robin Lipo, FOREVER YOUNG, 2012

Marcin Pazera, ABSOLUTE, 2012

Artur Rozen, GNU, 2011

Roberto Santaguida, Haikus for Karaoke, 2012

Agata Skupniewicz, HYPNOPOMPIC STATE, 2012

Ewa Surowiec, Stany narkoleptyczne. 12 głów znalezionych w ogrodzie. Ostatni sen w Pia Della Cuesta, 2012

Katalin Tesch, -384 THz, 2010

Jessica Tsang, Erdos-Bacon Number, 2012

The Jury of the first stage of the 6th IN OUT Festival 2012 - Witosław Czerwonka and Jolanta Woszczenko –due to the high level of the submitted works decided to create the off competition programme that will be shown on the first day of the Festival (19th of October).

The works included in the off-competition programme:

Anouar Abou-Hilal, ABRACADABRA, 2012

Grzegorz Bibro, Eksperyment, 2012

Anna Chabros, Kołowrotek, 2012

Radosław Deruba, FLOOD, 2012

Alexei Dmitriev, Dubus, 2005

Aleksandra Godlewska, Przypowieść, 2012

Justyna Górowska, FOXP2, 2012

Urszula Kluz-Knopek, Blizna, 2012

Adam Krysik i Stefan Hanćkowiak, OVIS ET LUPUS IN LEBUS, 2012

Magdalena Lazar, Withouts, 2012

Magdalena Lazar, Zenith, 2011


Robin Lipo, LAST BEAT, 2012

Marcin Pazera, INTROVER, 2012

Joanna Polak HOTEL MIRAGE, 2011

Artur Rozen, Rysunek, 2011-2012

Anna Zygadło, Gehenna, 2012

Municipal Institution of Culture