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Bałtycka Biblioteka Cyfrowa
October 2024
Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art
ul. Jaskółcza 1
80-767 Gdańsk
Phone +48 58 305 40 50
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The exhibition „Banana Republic. The Expression of the Eighties” was accompanied by a illuminated book (165 pages, Polish-English). The publication includes not only the texts written by the curator Jolanta Ciesielska but also the archive texts of the artists who took part in the exhibition, and so far the most complex artistic calendar covering all the events that took place between the years 1979-1993 (written by Maryla Sitkowska). See details
Price:35,00 zł
Laznia - the Bathhouse. Architecture, Art and History
The publication edited by Paweł Leszkowicz was published in order to celebrate Laznia Center for Contemporary Art 10th Anniversary. The book has interdisciplinary character and covers the history of art, architecture, city and customs. The aim of the book is to preserve and present the unique history of that place in cultural history of the City of Gdansk and contemporary art in Poland. The structure of the publication shows the complex history of the actions that took place in the building on 1 Jaskółcza Street in Gdansk. The book is divided in two main parts: the first one treats about the former City Bathouse, the second one – about Laznia as an artistic space and Centre for Contemporary Art. Since 1992 the Former City Bathhouse in Lower Town in Gdańsk was a place for independent artistic actions of artists from Gdańsk who w 1998 roku led to the opening of the institution – Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art. In 2008 Laznia CCA celebrated its 10th Year Anniversary as a cultural institution. But that's not all. The historic building on 1 Jaskółcza Street was open as a City Bathhouse in 1908 therefore a year 2008 is also its 100th Anniversary. We present you the book which covers for the first time the history of Laznia CCA. Laznia is shown as a complex place: a building, a City Bathhouse, an independent art center ruled by the artist and as a public institution. See details
Price:30,00 zł
A Story Differently Told
The book is a catalogue for the exhibition „A Story Differently Told” that took place in Laznia CCA between 6.06–03.08.2008 for Laznia CCA 10th Anniversary. The following artists participated in the exhibition: Tomasz Ciecierski, Jarosław Kozłowski, Zofia Kulik, Aleksandra Polisiewicz, Zbigniew Libera and Darek Foks. Bożena Czubak was a curator.
„A Story Differently Told” is a project that tries to find out in contemporary artists' works artistic polemic ideas to the history of art as we know from the formal discussion and the galleries. The exhibition does not aim to radically demonstrate anything or express any ideological antagonisms but to show more subtle and also double-dealing strategies to veryfy art canons supported by the institutions. The strategies to understand the contemporary art, and understand them in a greater perspective. The artists participating in the exhibition showed different versions of the history, they told their stories about the past differently, they also differently interpreted themselves. The works presented during the exhibition brought into a light all that things that did not meet standard expectations, all that things that developed on a side, outside the mainstream. Their narrations often put the individual memory and experience before straight rules of the art history. The artists offer slightly different way for understanding the contemporaneity and the tradition doubting the herarchy and division.
See details
Price:35,00 zł
Zdzisław Pidek. We remember
The exhbition „Zdzisław Pidek. We remember” was a presentation of the works of the artist from Gdansk who has recently passed away. It was a very special presentation – prepared by his friends, Professors' students. The exhibition was based on Zdzisław Pidek own idea to bring his own works into Laznia CCA space. Zdzisław Pidek was a sculptor and a Professor of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk. His memorial works of the special places from Polish contemporary history related to the victims for from Katyn and others have a very important place in his art and they are very differnet from traditional monuments. The main pressure is put on a spectator, his feelings and emotions. The catalogue just like an exhibition tries to analyze his most important works – monuments in Katyn, Charkow, Miednoje, Belzec. The book shows Zdzisław Pidek not only as an artist but also as a pedagogue from Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk. See details
Price:50,00 zł
Minsk, urban diary
The catalogue printed as a traditional photoalbum of the city presents the works of Belarusian artists who discuss the official image of Minsk and give their subjective perspective on the city. The following artists took part in the exhibition: A. Chkolnikova, O. Gourinovitch, A. Klinau, A. Komarov, K. Konrad, U. Parfianok, L. Prents.See details
Price:8,00 zł
Tomasz Partyka Born and bred
The catalogue of Tomasz Partyka's exhibition – a graduate from Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan. Partyka – like Antonioni in „Blow-up” who brought spectators' attention to the seemingly unimportant but full of semantic potential details – looks for hidden meanings in common and obvious things. See details
Price:20,00 zł
Krzysztof Gliszczyński, Autoportret à retour
The catalogue of the monographic exhibition that took place in Laznia CCA in 2007/2008. The exhibition presented series of pictures, self-portraits, filled with specially prepared artistic matter. The aim of the exhibition was to create the portrait that would have that something that is hidden in mass conciousness. The publication includes a text by PhD. Urszula Szulakowska. See details
Price:18,00 zł
The catalogue was published for Ewa Kobylarczyk's exhibition in Laznia CCA and presents her artistic actions done in Venice. The artist carefully covered many places of that floating city. She wrapped the arcades, wells, fountains and lions statues – the symbols of the city patron, St. Mark - with airy material. With this subtle ingerention into the urban landscape visible to the pedestrians she tried to tell the story about exclusion and oblivion. See details
Price:3,00 zł
Space as the place
The catalogue of the exhibition which consists of three individual artistic philosophies by Danuta Karsten, Katarzyna Józefowicz and Dominik Lejman. The idea of organism that „floods” the galleries and dialogs with the established architecture, based on the reflection about focusing on a detail that Karsten and Józefowicz's monumental instalations and Lejman's videofrescos are made of. See details
Price:25,00 zł
Last News
The catalogue of the „Last News” exhibition that is a continuation of „Bad News” exhibition and consists of the texts and documentation of the artistic works inspired by the mass media and its contemporary perception. The curators of both exhibitions and the autors of the texts are: Magdalena Ujma-Gawlik and Joanna Zielińska – the informal group „exgirls”. The autors analyze the artistic actions in a context of disapperaring truth of the picture through its multiplication and manipulation on many various media levels. The catalogue includes texts by Jadwiga Charzyńska and Jan Sowa as well as an illuminated part dedicated to the participants of the exhibition: Carla Cruz, Hubert Czerepok, Christoph Draeger, Jon Mikel Euba, The Atlas Group / Walid Raad, Paweł Mitenko& David Ter Oganyan, Gianni Motti, Dan Perjovschi, Wilhelm Sasnal, Janek Simon, Sean Snyder and Hito Steyerl.See details
Price:12,00 zł
Municipal Institution of Culture