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Bałtycka Biblioteka Cyfrowa
October 2024
Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art
ul. Jaskółcza 1
80-767 Gdańsk
Phone +48 58 305 40 50
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What? With What? Table [Politics] Jarosław Modzelewski, Marek Sobczyk
Catalog accompanying the exhibition What? With What? Table [Politics] Jarosław Modzelewski, Marek Sobczyk summarizing the current, ongoing since the 80s cooperation between Jarosław Modzelewski and Marek Sobczyk. For the first time collects source material on this artistic phenomenon: reproductions of almost 100 fulcolor paintings, original lyrics of artists, rich archival material, a calendar of joint activities, as well as a new critical text Mateusz Falkowski dedicated to the creative method - Table What? What?See details
Price:38,00 zł
KEN FEINGOLD: Figures of Speech
The publication “KEN FEINGOLD: Figures of Speech” is a compilation of essays by different authors, referring to the exhibition by American artist Ken Feingold in Gdańsk City Gallery 2 in 2014 in scope of the Art+Science Meeting project. The authors of texts are: curator of the exhibition, critic and theoretician Ryszard W. Kluszczyński, conceptual artist Ken Feingold, media historian and theoretician Errki Huhtamo, art historian Edward Shanken, Head of the Art Studies Department in the Faculty of Artistic Education at the University of Arts in Poznań Ewa Wójtowicz. See details
Price:24,00 zł
Meat, Metal & Code / Contestable Chimeras STELARC
The publication “Meat, Metal & Code / Contestable Chimeras STELARC” is a compilation of essays by different authors, referring to the exhibition by Australian artist Stelarc in Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art in 2014. The authors of texts are: curator of the exhibition, critic and theoretician Ryszard W. Kluszczyński, performance and installation artist Stelarc, musician, theoretician and art historian Maciej Ożóg, lecturer and media expert Piotr Zawojski, writer, artist and curator Joanna Żylińska, art historian and curator Andreas Broeckmann, performer, musician and writer Marco Donnarumma, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Audiovisual Culture of Jagiellonian University Anna Nacher, writer, translator and sound artist Morten Søndergaard.See details
Price:38,00 zł
Robotic Art and Culture. BILL VORN and his Hysterical Machines
The publication “Robotic Art and Culture. BILL VORN and his Hysterical Machines” is a compilation of essays by different authors, referring to the “Hysterical Machines” exhibition by Canadian artist Bill Vorn in Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art in 2014. The authors of texts are: curator of the exhibition, critic and theoretician Ryszard W. Kluszczyński, creator of robotic art Bill Vorn, co-founder of the Foundation of the Institute of Digital Culture Piotr Celiński, writer and independent curator Nicole Gingras, art and technology historian Dominique Moulon, researcher on the contemporary computer art Joanna Walewska.See details
Price:29,00 zł
Cities on the edge
The catalogue is a resume of four exhibitions that have been developed within the "Cities on the Edge": "Here and Now", "Politics: I do not like it, but it likes me", "The wall behind something / nothing * happened "," Bogota. A City on the Edge ". The works of artists from the Palestinian Authority, Cuba, Colombia was presented, from places that we connect more with conflicts than the arts. The cycle was a reflection on the situation of the contemporary homo politicus, a human being entangled in politics.

The catalogue preceded by an introduction of Thomas Marcin Wrona "Edges of Art" presents the profiles of the artists participating in the project.
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Price:30,00 zł
Konrad Smolenski S.T.R.H.
A book Konrad Smoleński S.T.R.H. was published on the occasion of a solo show by the artist at the Laznia Cenre for contemporary Art in Gdańsk which took place from 21 June till 18 August 2013 and was curated by Kamila Wielebska. Besides the photo documentation of the exhibition, the volume consists of critical texts and essays that create a broader context for this presentation.See details
Price:40,00 zł
The “Soundplay” book was published in the scope of an art project iniciated by Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art in 2012. Soundplay project is a series of workshops, concerts and lectures focused on the on the art of sound. The book consists of several texts written by: sociologist and theoretician of phenomena connected with hearing, Michał Libera, theoretician of art of new medias, Maciej Ożóg, architect, Justyna Borucka, specialist in building of experimental instruments, Johannes Bergmark, musician, Michał Górczyński and musician and creator of simple electronic music devices, Maciej Wojnicki. A DVD with films made during a workshop lead by documentarist Marek Zygmunt has been enclosed.
Curator of the Soundplay project is Krzysztof Topolski.

Authors of texts: Johannes Bergmark, Justyna Borucka, Michał Górczyński, Michał Libera, Maciej Ożóg, Maciej Wojnicki

The book was published in the scope of the Art+Science Meeting project thanks to the financial support of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.
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Price:28,00 zł
The Symposium “This Troublesome, Uncomfortable and Questionable Relevance of Art in Public Space” was held in Gdansk on 23-24 November 2012. Julia Draganović and Adam Budak curated the event and on behalf of Laznia Centre for Contemporary Arts have called international artists, critics and curators to bring together debates from varied perspectives and practices in an attempt to evaluate which roles artists, curators, designers and architects can actually play in revitalizing and regenerating urban space.

In 2013, on the anniversary of that event, Laznia CCA published a book by the same title summarizing the symposium. The essays included in the book are elaborated versions of the oral contributions of those lecturers who were able to participate in this publication project. Chantal Mouffe, keynote speaker of the symposium, accounts for a reflection about “Critical Artistic Practices as Counter-Hegemonic Interventions”. Mika Hannula agreed to reprint chapter two of his book Politics, Identity and Public Space (Expodium 2) entitled “Social Imaginaries”. Hannula’s contributions serves background for a series of texts dealing with “Close Encounters. Strategies of Collaboration” for which artists Mel Chin and Barbara Holub as well as curators Julia Draganović, Aneta Szylak and Joanna Warsza give examples of best practice models regarding questions like: what are the strategies to access existing knowledge systems and to foster collaboration between different stakeholders?
In the second section entitled “Museum without Museum. Tactics of Emancipation and Autonomy” curator Claire Doherty and artists Maria Papadimitriou and Berth Theis ponder the question, how far public art can be a complement or an alternative to museums and reflecting on strategies of enhancement for self-organization. Moreover, Jadwiga Charzyńska, The Director of Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art, introduces the work of The Outdoor Gallery of The City of Gdansk from its start to the current state. Agnieszka Wołodźko presents a survey of public art in Gdansk of the last decades.

Authors of the texts: Chantal Mouffe, Mika Hannula, Jadwiga Charzyńska, Mel Chin, Claire Doherty, Julia Draganović, Barbara Holub, Maria Papadimitriou, Aneta Szylak, Bert Theis, Joanna Warsza Agnieszka WołodźkoSee details
Price:30,00 zł
54º 4 min. Thorsten Goldberg
the catalogue of the exhibition
The 54º 4 min. catalogue tells about imaginary trips to paradisiacal worlds and places marked by nostalgia. It presents the rich body of work of a specialist in art in public spaces, Thorsten Goldberg, a German artist living in Berlin. The book contains texts by the art critics Martin Hentasch and Eulalia Domanowska, analyzing the extremely varied works of this German artist, including a light installation on the Oberbaum Bridge, a cloud in the courtyard of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection in Berlin, and a project along a tram line in Bergen, Norway. The Director of the Łaźnia Centre for Contemporary Art, Jadwiga Charzyńska, will show a project the artist has designed for Gdańsk.
Thorsten Goldberg’s work represents an important contribution to the development of art in public spaces, and has included a wide range of artistic reflections, from a utopian Land of Milk and Honey and virtual voyages to distant islands, to clouds that the artist brings to the ground.
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Price:50,00 zł
This publication is a recording and material proof of the first symposium of the Outdoor Gallery of the City of Gdańsk, which took place on 26 February 2011 at the Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art in Gdańsk.
The symposium, entitled Art and Public Space, was the first attempt at reflecting on the actions of the Outdoor Gallery of the City of Gdańsk, which resonate on an international scale. Speeches given by members of the jury and the Gallery’s advisors, which form the gist of the present publication, demonstrate the various aspects of the presence of art in the public space, touching upon the problems and challenges created by this difficult and fascinating relationship. Their common context was a specific area of the city: the squalid Dolne Miasto district surrounding Laznia and actions undertaken there. It is precisely there that the artworks selected in the first four editions of the closed international competition are being implemented. The publication is enriched by texts, which, albeit not directly connected with the symposium, pertain to the transformations which occur due to the mutual relationship between the public space and art shown there.See details
Price:24,00 zł
Municipal Institution of Culture