ul. Jaskółcza 1, GDAŃSK - DOLNE MIASTO
OPENING: September 5, 2013, hour: 7 p.m.
Curators: Agnieszka Kulazińska, Aleksandra Księżopolska
Artists: Alicja Bielawska, Nicolas Grospierre, Aneta Grzeszykowska, Przemysław Jasielski, Alicja Karska and Aleksandra Went, Szymon Rogiński, Rimas Sakalauskas, Julijonas Urbonas, Lina Zaveckyte
'homeMADE” exhibition is a visual narration of the private, the closest space and the object present therein. Space is an equivocal concept that depends on the perspective from which it is considered. Mathematics interprets it as an area of abstract relations and actions, physical space is tangible and related with the properties of the matter, social space in turn is created by behavior, interpersonal relations and material creations of human actions. What is determined by the home area? What guarantees safety?
The artists invited to exhibit relate to everyday life, to obvious worlds that is the space of their own body, the closest surroundings and feelings. From the “close” elements they create and arabesque, a visual pun detached from the original. With the parts of a room, a body, a city, a landscape and emotions they create new beings where the starting point disappears. The narration of 'homeMADE' exhibition will be a story of unreal space that occurs to be a search of a remedy for the surrounding reality.
 Aneta Grzeszykowska, Bolimorfia
Aneta Grzeszykowska, in her video 'Bolimorfia', has treated her own body as an ornament, the physicality is gradually blurring to create a kaleidoscopic mosaic. The rhythm of metamorphoses is determined by the music, the soundtrack was created through overlaying of 'Polimorphy' by Krzysztof Penderecki on the classic 'Bolero' by Maurice Ravel. The video evokes a new reality where the body has been reduced to a role of a mechanism.
The photographs by Szymon Rogiński from 'Black/Czarny' series evade the viewer. Known parts of the native landscape are blurring. The reality is heading for abstraction, the protagonist of the photographs has become the eponymous black. The visible describes what is difficult to notice with the naked eye. Black is a color of the Space. This color is not a tint, but the absence of the visible world.
 Alicja Karska i Aleksandra Went, Młyniska, still from the video
'Młyniska' by Alicja Karska and Aleksandra Went has been created on the premises of the 18th century Młyniska Court in Gdansk. The character of space blurs in the video – the artists juxtapose the two coexisting realities – the space of a classic revival style court and the industrial architecture surrounding it. The entirety brings a pastoral image of an idyllic Arcadia. The distinctness of the two worlds, despite their visual closeness, disrupts a feeling of harmony, though.
  Alicja Bielawska 
The objects and the drawings by Alicja Bielawska introduce to a surreal and poetic world. They recall the People's Republic of Poland’s archeology of the 80s such as wall units and wooden wainscoting. My works refer to the daily necessities, they play with their purpose and the viewers’ expectations. (…) I like to perceive my works as objects, not as sculptures – the artist affirms.” Alicja Bielawska uses objects and materials present in everyday life that are associated with the home space. Arranging them, she discovers, usually unnoticed situations, playing with the memory and the expectations of the audience. 
A video by Rimasa Sakalauskasa, entitled 'Synchronization', has been a result of fascination of the post-Soviet industrial architecture. Monumental buildings in the work of the Lithuanian artist begin to live their own life. Use of a static camera limits the author’s interference, it allows the reality to “speak.” Therefore it reveals the internal logic of the observed objects.
 Nicolas Grospierre, Hydroklinika
A relic of the post-Soviet architecture appears also in 'Hydroclinic' by Nicolas Grospierre. In his series of photographs the artist systematically catalogs the space of a closed hospital facility in Druskininkai. The architecture does not reveal its function, the impassive lens shows the viewer around the abandoned buildings letting the vacuity speak.
 Lina Zaveckyte, Koncentracja
The work by Lina Zaveckyte leads the viewer almost to a state of infatuation. The artist recognizes the emotions by feeling the warmth in the middle of the palm. The object entitled 'Concentration' is an attempt to share this state with the audience.
'Home Earthquake Generator' by Julijonas Urbonas is a proposal of a new home design – a door bell connected with an earthquake generator. This work is a homemade object, typical of this artist, which connects the art with an amusement park.
 Przemysław Jasielski, Plantation
'Plantation' by Przemysław Jasielski is an object that provides the best possible conditions for home potted plants. The artist creates the space of ideal and utopia for the living organic forms. It is based on the principle of a contrast of the world dominated by technology and the natural habitat. 
The artists invited to the 'homeMADE' exhibition comment the contemporary surroundings and encourage to look through the window, beyond the horizon of everyday life. They meticulously observe the reality, constructing the models of micro-worlds on their own. Their homemade objects and spaces introduce us to a distinct reality that is different from a tiring everyday routine.
The final of VNO/GDN Project
An architectural and culinary installation created along with a group of members and sympathizers of the Association of Supporters of Vilnius and the Vilnius Land.
Architectural workshops
Kaja Pobereżny, Michał Podgórczyk, Bogna Olejarz
The basis for the creation of the architectural installation was a workshop with expatriates from Vilnius in the course of which the participants analyzed the images remembered from the childhood and early adolescence in Vilnius related with the private space and home. A group of architects applied them to create an installation which is a resultant of memories and the present Vilnius. The private space has been composed anew, perhaps a different view on Vilnius allow an unusual disenchantment of the place. In the same time, the installation will offer an opportunity to present the expatriates’ history which is also a part of the story of Gdansk.
Municipal Institution of Culture