LAZNIA 1 2009 - Under the bridge - Ross Dalziel, Close encounters
29.08.2009, at 5p.m till 6p.m
Place: Nowa Motława i Śluza Kamienna (Fortyfikacje Miejskie in Dolne Miesto)

Ross Dalziel lives and works in Liverpool, and is active mainly in the area of searching for sound and new media. His works exceed the borderlines of the traditional art disciplines; they are open for co-operation and interactions with the recipients. As a curator, Dalziel is developing a programme of exhibitions based on searching for new media with a special focus on sound. The projects often take the form of workshops, installations where the recipients, by playing, compose a new piece of music or contribute to an installation. He has worked together with, among others: FACT's Collaboration Programme, MITES, Artists and Education, Creative Partnerships, Arup, Urban Design Group, Knowsley and Halton Borough Councils and many schools in the UK. You can read more about it at the website:
Ross Dalziel describes his project by referring to the exhibition of Inti Guerroro “Gestures of Entropy”. The title may be translated as unordered gestures, spontaneous signs of individual human stories made on the anonymous, ordered structures of contemporary cities. They contribute chaos and unpredictability, and thus they contribute freedom to the architectonic structures.
What makes an image of contemporary cities? Micro or macro stories? Tiny local stories, local myths or Great Narrations – ideologies looking at us from the surrounding buildings?
What story did the artist find in the Gdańsk bridge linking Dolne and Stare Miasto (Lower City and Old City)? In his work the bridge is more like a barrier than a link. It is a barrier not only in the architectonic sense but also in an economic perspective. Dolne Miasto is not one of the tourist attractions for the numerous organised groups visiting Gdańsk. Główne Miasto (the Main City) attracts tourists while Dolne Miasto is perceived as a bad neighbourhood. The artist, in his activity, makes attempts to break the barrier by referring to tiny human gestures of entropy noticed in the city structure. He uses a reconstructed galleon anchored on Motlava River, kayaks, mobile advertisements. The galleon, renewed history, will never sail to Dolne Miasto; it moves on the historic, also reconstructed part of Gdańsk. It is a popular place for stag nights for young Brits. The kayaks may be associated with the Kayak Club situated in Dolne Miasto; they are somehow naturally grown in the city district. Are we right in claiming that they are something more native, more genuine?
Ross Dalziel, by his action, is trying to create an impossible situation, to get the galleon to Dolne Miasto, to invoke the situation of a “River Festival” taking place between the Old and Lower City. His project is about architectonic barriers, cultural differences and universality, and the popularity of fake history which is a lure to visitors.
Municipal Institution of Culture