LAZNIA 1 2011 - Jury of The Outdoor Gallery of the City of Gdansk
The Outdoor Gallery of the City of Gdansk artworks assigned for realization are chosen by international Jury. The members of the Jury are:
He is currently an International Curator for Contemporary Art at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution. Up to 2011 he was curator for contemporary art at the Kunsthaus Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum in Graz, Austria. He studied theatre studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and history and philosophy of art and architecture at the Central European University in Prague. He has recently co-established the postgraduate studies programme in curatorial practice and theory at the Art History Institute of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Adam Budak has curated “Architectures: Metastructures of Humanity, Morphic Strategies of Exposure”, exhibition in the Polish Pavilion of the 9th International Architecture Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia, 2004. He worked with acclaimed artists such as Louise Bourgeois, John Baldessari, Pedro Cabrita Reis, Cerith Wyn Evans and Monika Sosnowska, and has curated a large number of international exhibitions. Adam Budak is the co-curator of MANIFESTA 7 (“Principle Hope”), Trentino Alto Adige, Summer 2008. His recent exhibitions include: “Il Grande Ritratto” by Tatiana Trouve and “The World of Gimel” by Antje Majewski (both in Kunsthaus Graz) as well as “Beyond. Condition of Contemporary Photography” at KUMU Modern Art Museum in Tallinn, Estonia. He is currently working on a solo show of Libia Castro and Olafur Olafsson for TENT (Rotterdam) and is preparing the Hirshhorn’s 40th anniversary collection show.
She obtained the MFA degree at the Faculty of Painting and Graphic Arts of the State College of Visual Arts (PWSSP) in Gdańsk in 1994. Since 2004 she has been director of Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art. Earlier she worked in the National Museum in Gdańsk. She started her career as manager during her studies, organizing art projects, which subsequently allowed her to obtain an extra degree in culture management. Essential realizations: “Odjazdy filmowe” series (1989), the festivals: “Świat Józefa Szajny” [“The World of Józef Szajna”] and “Świat według Themersonów” [“The World According to the Themersons”] co-financed by the UE programme “Kaleidoscope” (1993). Main curatored exhibitions: Wokół kapizmu (1995), about the history of the artists who founded Gdańsk’s PWSSP, Artgenda for young artists promoting young artists within the European Capital of Culture Copenhagen 96 programme, Spektrum – Polish-German Creative Encounter Project, which resulted in the exhibitions in Gdańsk and Regensburg (1999), George Baselitz (2002), Max Ernst (2003) and Gerhard Richter. Survey (2006). Since 2005 she has realized The Outdoor Gallery of the City of Gdańsk and she is a member of its international jury. She obtained the Award of the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk in category Culture. In 2008, together with the entire Laznia team, she obtained the Bronze Medal “Merit to Culture Gloria Artis”, awarded by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. She contributes texts to art magazines and the catalogues of the realized art projects.
Jacek Dominiczak is an architect, researcher, and educator. He holds higher doctorate (habilitacja) in art from The Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk (2007), doctorate in architecture (1989) from the Technical University of Gdansk, Poland, and MArch. (1978) from the same institution. He formulates the theory of dialogic space, and related architectural and urban design methodology. He carries out design studies for major urban and architectural projects. Dominiczak is a faculty at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk, Poland (since 1998), and a visiting professor at Universidade da Beira Interior in Covilha, Portugal (since 2006). He was a visiting professor at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA (1993-1997, 1991), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA (1992) and at Tec de Monterrey, Queretaro, Mexico (1998). His lectured in Warsaw University, Poland (1999-2000) and Gdansk University of Technology, Poland (2005). He was a guest speaker at Curtin University, Perth, Australia (2007), Harvard University, Boston, USA (2005, 1996), Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland (1999); Staatliche Kunstakademie, Stuttgart, Germany (1997), Zacheta, The National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Poland (2004), Manggha What is Architecture? lecture series, Krakow, Poland (2003) and for other architecture and art institution. He was a key note speaker for ICOMOS Australia National Conference in Fremantle (2006). The key public presentation of Dominiczak’s works include an installation Delay(er)ing Façade at 9. International Architecture Exhibition in Venice (2004, Polonia Pavilion, together with Dominik Lejman), and year-long publication of Dialogic City, an essay on architecture exteriority, in Architektura-murator, a leading monthly architecture journal in Poland (issues: 10.2002-9.2003). Recently Dominiczak works on Local Identity Code for Central Fremantle, Australia (since 2007), and on Fast Urban Research project within SEAS, an international art program lead by Intercult, Stockholm, Sweden (since 2004) (both projects in team with Monika Zawadzka). He is a member of the international jury of The Outdoor Gallery of the City of Gdańsk at Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art, Poland (since 2005).
A German born and Italy based curator for contemporary art whose interest is focused on social practices, new artistic strategies and new media art. She has curated shows in Germany, Italy, Spain, the USA and Taiwan. Her thematic shows include “The Enterprise of Art” at PAN Palazzo delle Arti Napoli 2008; “Footsteps into the Furture” at Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Art, Taiwan 2008 and “In What We Trust?” at Art Miami 2010. Draganović is member of the committee of the Outdoor Gallery in Gdansk (Poland), board member of No Longer Empty, New York, member of the Scientific Committee of Mudam, Luxembourg and together with Claudia Löffelholz founding member of the collective LaRete Art Projects. She conceptually developed and is currently curating the second edition of the International Award for Participatory Art launched by the Legislative Assembly of the Italian Region Emilia-Romagna. Institutional positions covered by Julia Draganović include Curator of the European Studio Program of the ACC Galerie and the City of Weimar, Germany (1999 -2003), Artistic Director of the Chelsea Art Museum New York (2005-2006) and of PAN Palazzo delle Arti Napoli (2007-2009), curator for curatorial projects at Arte Fiera Art First Bologna 2010 -2012. Draganović is regularly lecturing on public art at the Curatorial Study Department of IED (European Design Institute) in Rome and at IULM (Free University of Languages and Communication) in Milan, Italy.
Enrico Lunghi studied history of art and history in Strasbourg. He was assistant at the National Museum of History and Art in Luxembourg from 1991 to 1995. Since 1996, he has been artistic director of Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain. He was curator of the pavillion of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg at the Venice Biennial in 1995 (artist: Bert Theis), in 1999 (Simone Decker) and in 2007 (Jill Mercedes). In 1998, he coordinated Manifesta 2 in Luxembourg, together with Jo Kox. He is currently president of IKT (International association of curators of contemporary art). Curated exhibitions (selection): Rendez-vous provoqué (1994), Arręt sur Images (1996), Didier Bay: Sédiments (1997), Grazia Toderi: Centro (1998), Gare de l’Est (with Hou Hanru, 1998), Jim Shaw: Everything must go (1999), Jacques Charlier (1999), Light Pieces (2000), Sam Samore (2000), Many Colored Objects… (collection Annick and Anton Herbert, 2000), Stanley Brouwn (with Michel Assenmaker and Eric Brunier, 2001), Sous les ponts, le long de la rivičre (2001), Marc Trivier: Le paradis perdu (2001), Sylvie Blocher: Living Pictures and Other Human Voices (2002), Simone Decker: Point of view (2004), Nedko Solakov: A 12 1/3 (and even more) Years Survey (with Charles Esche and Martin Sturm, 2004), Su-Mei Tse (2006), Luca Vitone: Everywhere at Home (2006), Wim Delvoye: Cloaca 2000-2007 (2007). He is a member of the international jury of The Outdoor Gallery of the City of Gdańsk Poland at Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art.
Bettina Steinbrügge studied art studies, English philology, and comparative literature in Kassel. From 2001 to 2007, she was the Director of the Halle für Kunst Lüneburg. After teaching at the University of Lüneburg and the Kunstraum of the University of Lüneburg during the same period, she began giving classes at the Haute école d’art et de design de Genève in 2009. Till 2007, she is a member of the program team of Forum Expanded of the International Film Festival Berlin (Berlinale). Until fall of 2011, she was the Curator of La Kunsthalle Mulhouse – Centre d’art contemporain, where she organized the exhibitions “The End of the World as We Know it”, “L’Idée de Nature” and a solo show with Seb Patane. Since December 2010, she has been Curator for Contemporary Art at the Belvedere, Vienna. Bettina Steinbrügge regularly publishes on themes related to contemporary art.
Studied art history at Johannes-Gutenberg-University in Mainz and Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel. He was a lecturer at Muthesius-Hochschule in Kiel (1988-98), at the Icelandic School of Art in Reykjavik (1991), at the institute for art history of Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel (2008), a curator of exhibitions with regard to art in Northern and Eastern Europe, e.g. „RADAR“, international open air exhibition in Kotka, Finland (1990), „Stone Light“, 14th Baltic Biennal in Rostock (1992), “Distant Lighthouses”, video art from Sweden and the Baltic States, at Fábrica, Associação Cultural de Porto Brandão / Lisbon (1998), “Kain Tapper – Totem & Fragment” at Museumsberg Flensburg and Sønderjyllands Kunstmuseum (2003), “Time Will Show – Young Art from Latvia” at Museumsberg Flensburg (2008). He was co-curator of the Latvian pavillon at The 53rd International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale (2009). He is a custodian of Provinzial corporate art collection in Kiel (since 2000), member of the international experts’ committee of the Latvian Museum of Contemporary Art in Riga (since 2005) and a member of the international jury of The Outdoor Gallery of the City of Gdańsk at Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art, Poland.
Municipal Institution of Culture