In the 4th edition of the competition, the crossroads of Kamienna Grobla Street, Dobra Street and Toruńska Street (including a bridge, concrete riverside promenades and a bus stop of the line 120) will constitute the area of the project realization. The artists will take into consideration the historic character of the streets as well as the fact that the area is a meeting point of the paths coming from the prizewinning objects of the previous editions of the competition as well as from Łaźnia Centre for Contemporary Art and leading to the medieval fortifications situated on the border of Dolne Miasto. The results of the project should constitute a signpost to Łaźnia and harmonize with the surroundings.

On 22 October 2010 the international jury:
1/ Enrico Lunghi, the director of Mudam Luxembourg, Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, Luxemburg
2/ Jacek Dominiczak, the Fine Arts Academy, Gdańsk, Poland
3/ Bettina Steinbrügge, a curator of the Forum Expanded - Berlinale, Berlin, Germany
4/ Adam Budak, a curator of  Museum-Joanneum in Graz, Austria
5/ Norbert Weber, a member of the interantional board of experts of the Museum of Lativian Modern Art in Riga, Latvia
6/ Julia Draganovic, an art historian, a curtor, Modena, Italy
7/ Jadwiga Charzyńska, the director of the CSW „Łaźnia” in Gdańsk, Poland

chose the candidates from 12 artists and architects who had submitted their applications.  By means of a multifaceted approach to the artistic output of the candidates, the jury presented various ways of introducing art into the public space. The chosen artists have numerous achievements in the field of architecture, painting, sculpture and design.

The participants qualified for the next stage in the competition:

1.    Bert Theis /Luxemburg
He lives and works in Luxemburg and Milan. He belongs to a group of artists who became known in 1990s and through their artistic works created new possibilities for the public space. His works have a social context and are not incorporated into surroundings. Despite the fact that Theis is generally associated with the numerous important international exhibition e.g. the Venice Biennale, Manifesta 2 or Skulpture, most of his works are created to be located in the public space of the city. Theis’s works aim at encouraging people to look inside themselves and find their place in the city – a place to relax and organize a temporary communities alluding to idyllic islands and the utopian virgin land.

2.    Tea Makipaa/ Finland
Born in 1973 in Lahti Finland, Tea Makipaa graduated form the Fine Arts Academy in Helsinki and Konst & Arkitektur, Kungl. Konsthögskolan in Stockholm. In 2003 she received a diploma of the Fine Arts Academy in the Royal College of Art in London. Her works show a complicated and cruel world. A laconic presentation of the physical order of the reality in relation to the structural elements which shape our lives is a characteristic feature of her works.

3.    Weronika Kiersztejn & Michał Kozik/ Poland
Born in 1986, Weronika Kiersztejn and Michał Kozik are students of the Silesian University of Technology and the winners of the Dialogue in Space Competition on the 1st International Biennial of Interior Design in Krakow in 2010.

4.    Alexandre Arrechea, Cuba
He was born in 1970 in Cuba. In 1994 he graduated from Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA) in Havana. The Cuban regime and a strict system of social control constitute a starting point of his artistic output. His works reflect the fragility of a human life, the lack of freedom and privacy. They have critical overtones in relation to the current governmental structures. At present Arrechea is interested in the borders of art. The installation presented on Biennale in Havana, which is one of his latest works, constitutes an elaboration on this subject. He is now realizing his artistic projects concerning the public space on Times Square in New York.

5.    Olaf Nicolai/ Germany
He studied Literature and Linguistucs in Leipzig and Vienna. In 1992 he gained a doctorate for his dissertation concerning the Vienna Group and received a diploma in Fachschule für Angewandte Kunst in Schneeberg. He is a scholarship holder and a winner of numerous awards, e.g. Kunstpreis der Stadt Wolfsburg (2002), Villa Aurora Scholarship in Los Angeles (2008), IASPIS (Sztokholm, 2000), PS1 (New York, 1998), Villa Massimo in Rome (1997/98) and Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes Scholarship (1993). He participated in interational individual exhibitions, e.g. Kunstraum Dornbirn (2006), Kunstmuseum Thun (2004), Casino Luxembourg (2003), Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst in Zurich (2001), Watari-Um Muzeum in Tokio (1998) and joint exhibitions: 51. Biennale in Vennice (2005), 4. Kwangju Biennale (Korea, 2002), Biennale of Sydney  (2002), "etre natury", Fondation Cartier (Paris, 1998), Documenta X (Kassel, 1997).

6.    Marcus Miessen/ Germany
Born in 1978, he is an architect, consultant and author who is travelling between Berlin, London and the Middle East. In 2002 he established the Giessen Studio and in 2007 he was a cofounder of an architectural office in Berlin ( which is now working on a numerous international projects. Miessen studied Architecture and Urban Studies in Glasgow School of Art (BArch), he graduated summa cum laude from the Architectural Association in London (AADiplHons) and received the degree of Master in Research in London Consortium (MRes). His works were exhibited during a lot of biennales, e.g. in Lyon, Venice, New York (Performa) and during Shenzehen Biennial. He received numerous rewards including Stimuleringsfonds vor Architectuur (Amsterdam), Kulturstiftung des Bundes (Berlin).

7.    Sabina Lang & Daniel Baumann/ Switzerland
Lang/Bauman is an artistic duet (Sabina Lang, 1972 and Daniel Baumann, 1967). These ‘Masters of the Surface’ combine the elements of design, the pop culture of 1970s as well as sport and transform the most sterile corridors into amazing oases by means of a unique sense of colour and geometry. They live and work in Switzerland. Their artistic collaboration started in 1990.  

8.    Thorsten Goldberg/ Germany
Born in 1960, the artist has been working on installations and art in the public space for many years. In 1991 he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart. He realized his projects as a winner of competitions in Berlin, Eberswalde and other cities in Germany. A part of his projects is permanently located in the public space; some were installed for a particular period of time. Thorsten Goldberg lectured on Photography and Installation Art in the schools of Fine Arts in Berlin, Linz and Dusseldorf. He was an academic teacher of Art and Media in Muthesius-Hochschule in Kiel. He created PublicArt-Wiki website with Holger Drefse ( which presents art in the public space and is a discussion forum concerning various forms of art in the public space including the Internet. He lives and works in Berlin.

In February 2011 these artists will be invited to Gdańsk in order to provide them with an opportunity to familiarize with the public space allotted for the realization of the artistic creations, social problems and needs of the district citizens. The final of the competition will take place in July 2011 - the jury will choose three finalists.

Translated by Hanna Morusiewicz
Municipal Institution of Culture