1st July 2005 at 6:00p.m.

Arrhythmic brain

Mazzoll – Majewski – Janicki

This trio was set up as one of the variations of the basic line-up of the Arrhythmic Perfection group. However, it presents a more radical and uncompromising attitude to rhythm, melody and harmony.

The music played by the group oscillates somewhere between free, contemporary chamber music, vanguard performance and total improvisation.

In this case, the musicians are not the performers of the musical works in the common meaning of the word, but they are rather a group of independent creators provoked by Mazzol’s scores to perform certain compositions. Each time it is a new piece having a different, unique form. The form depends mainly on the weather, the psychophysical condition of the trio members, their spiritual intention, the energy of the venue, the audience’s reaction, conception…. and a number of other important conditions which are difficult to describe here.

Their knowledge and respect for events in the history of music (particularly recent ones) make the musicians use both consonant and dissonant sounds. The atonal consonant harmonies with beautiful and nai"ve melodies have their roots in folk music. Everything is mixed together in a unique conglomerate of the new expression of rhythm, melody and harmony.

The trio try to dissociate themselves from the tradition of “Polish jazz”. However, the musicians admire the greatness of Seifert and the originality of Komeda, and have great respect for the work of contemporary Polish composers such as Lutosławski, Schaeffer and Górecki. The consequence and radicalism of Szalonek or Krauze have become their model. They found that pop music is a difficult medium in which to get any message across - after 40 years of havoc we should look deep in the past and far in the future.

Mazzoll (clarinet) – is considered one of the most interesting contemporary clarinettists in Poland (Jazz Forum, “Drgawy” TVP1). He uses elements of both classical and contemporary music in his playing. He represents groups of jazz clarinettists such as Goodman, La Porta, Giufree, Lacy(ss). He has worked as a clarinettist and composer with many great European jazz players: Django Bates, Alftred Harth, Jeffry Morgan, Vytautas Labutis, Niels Landgren and Tony Oxley. As well as the debut album of Mazzoll & Arhythmic Perfection entitled “a”, he has recorded another album in West Europe entitled “Newborn” trio Perplex: Mazzoll – Chastka – Hölker, which was produced by well-known British percussionist Tony Oxley.

Curator: Joanna Charchan
Municipal Institution of Culture